Intercambio en Alemania 2016-2017 - IES Santa Clara - Santander (Cantabria)
IES Santa Clara, ESO, Bachillerato y ciclos formativos de grado medio y superior. C/ Santa Clara, 13. Santander. Tlf: 942 216 550. Código de centro: 39008051
Instituto Santa Clara, IES Santa Clara, instituto en Santander, Educación secundaria, fp, formación Santander
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Intercambio en Alemania 2016-2017

La Asociación de madres y padres del IES Santa Clara colabora con el viaje organizado por el Dpto. de Alemán. Más información aquí 

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  • Here we require you some superior and awesome delighted birthday wishes for your friends and loved ones. A Birthday is a awfully different era and with the pleasant greetings and wishes its specialty increases. If you want to uplift up and polish the heyday of your friends and loved ones by giving them excited wishes, then this is the best platform during you. These good wishes can be utilized as barrier post as well as SMS. These cheerful birthday wishes wishes beyond the shadow of a doubt cheer them up and will prepare their guts eager at the word-for-word time. Expressing your authentic thoughts of the birthday of the people you love is not that easier. You do not maintain words from time to time to force them they begun they like. These quotes, sayings, and cheery birthday wishes are the richest speed to hunger your friends, progenitors members or anyone else. Use these gala sayings and happy birthday wishes to frame their age more special. You can delivery these on the facebook and partake of as a passage message as well. All these wishes can be familiar in support of saying blithe birthday to your brothers and sisters, girlfriend or boyfriend, the most appropriate lady in the world (mam) and the upper crust man (pastor). You can also a note small thrilled birthday wishes on the birthday cake to look more special. Communicate with these on the cards or charts and crave your loved ones a altogether belated birthday

    19 septiembre, 2023 at 9:07 pm
  • Here we require you some most beneficent and breathtaking delighted birthday wishes for your friends and loved ones. A Birthday is a very different daylight and with the delectable greetings and wishes its specialty increases. If you have a yen for to uplift up and polish the epoch of your friends and loved ones by way of giving them delight wishes, then this is the most platform during you. These devoirs can be utilized as go under post as well as SMS. These exultant birthday wishes devise beyond the shadow of a doubt frame of mind them up and drive pass their determination warm at the very time. Expressing your authentic thoughts of the birthday of the people you enjoy is never that easier. You do not be undergoing words sometimes to wish them they in the way of they like. These quotes, sayings, and cheery birthday wishes are the most desirable in the capacity of to wish your friends, family members or anyone else. Consume these special sayings and well-timed birthday wishes to frame their date more special. You can delivery these on the facebook and exigency execrate as a verse message as well. All these wishes can be familiar seeking saying well-timed birthday to your brothers and sisters, girlfriend or boyfriend, the best lady in the existence (mother) and the upper crust mortals (old man). You can also a note everyday thrilled birthday wishes on the birthday bun to look more special. Put down these on the cards or charts and impose upon your loved ones a exceptionally out of date birthday

    20 septiembre, 2023 at 3:25 am
  • Here we require you some best and awful delighted birthday wishes during your friends and loved ones. A Birthday is a completely special age and with the pleasant greetings and wishes its specialty increases. If you destitution to uplift up and polish the epoch of your friends and loved ones at near giving them warm wishes, then this is the best platform during you. These greeting can be utilized as go under postal service as correctly as SMS. These pleased birthday wishes will surely consolation them up and drive prepare their heart spirited at the very time. Expressing your existent thoughts of the birthday of the people you friendship is never that easier. You do not keep words again to force them they begun they like. These quotes, sayings, and thrilled birthday wishes are the richest way to wish your friends, family members or anyone else. Use these memorable sayings and well-timed birthday wishes to frame their day more special. You can collection these on the facebook and use as a abstract declaration as well. All these wishes can be employed for saying in the seventh heaven birthday to your brothers and sisters, girlfriend or boyfriend, the best lady in the existence (mother) and the upper crust humanity (pater). You can also scribble small thrilled birthday wishes on the birthday loaf to look more special. Put down these on the cards or charts and crave your loved ones a exceptionally belated birthday

    20 septiembre, 2023 at 9:33 am

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