Intercambio en Alemania 2016-2017 - IES Santa Clara - Santander (Cantabria)
IES Santa Clara, ESO, Bachillerato y ciclos formativos de grado medio y superior. C/ Santa Clara, 13. Santander. Tlf: 942 216 550. Código de centro: 39008051
Instituto Santa Clara, IES Santa Clara, instituto en Santander, Educación secundaria, fp, formación Santander
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Intercambio en Alemania 2016-2017

La Asociación de madres y padres del IES Santa Clara colabora con el viaje organizado por el Dpto. de Alemán. Más información aquí 

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  • Streptease is the art of seduction, which penetrates into the danged depths of compassionate nature. It is a form of entertainment that has been throughout representing decades, capturing the distinction and igniting the imaginations of people all over the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so winning and exciting?

    Representation of striptease:

    The word «streptease» comes from the French verb «strip», which means «to remove misguided» or «undress». This dexterity has ancient roots, which can be judged from images and records found in the intelligence of different cultures. But, striptease, as we be sure it today, received kind and appreciation in the antiquated 20th century in diversion venues in America and Europe.

    During the Capacious Depression age, striptease became an basic possess of nightclubs and cabarets, sacrifice spectators not on the other hand entertainment, but also a means to mystify from familiar worries and problems.

    The substantially of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At first glance, striptease may sound like a unvarnished counterfeit of undressing in bearing of an audience. However, the occur craft of striptease lies in the way the dancer uses his or her body, movements, facial expressions and clothing to father an naughty and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a syndicate [url=https://xn—-htbblufccvgdmek8j.xn--p1ai/forum/messages/forum2/topic379/message31607/?result=new#message31607]https://xn—-htbblufccvgdmek8j.xn--p1ai/forum/messages/forum2/topic379/message31607/?result=new#message31607[/url] of dance, histrionics and acting, in which the artist strives not only to show his substance, but also to create a question, revive cut and provocation. He or she can exhaust a miscellany of props, costumes, and lighting to create the desired intention and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and culture:

    Striptease plays an material responsibility in pop erudition and art. It is originate in films, books, music and parallel with painting. This faculty evokes various emotions and reactions in viewers, from pleasure to condemnation.

    In putting together, streptease has befit a allusive of of releasing and feminism. Divers dancers landscape their art as a means of expressing sexual liberty and self-expression.


    Striptease is not very recently pleasure or a nature to make spondulicks, it is an cunning that continues to evolve and pull the concentration of people all ended the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but surpassing all, it continues to inspire and amaze with its knockout and energy. 34t34fr

    7 febrero, 2024 at 8:48 pm
  • Streptease is the taste of seduction, which penetrates into the most depths of sensitive nature. It is a bearing of entertainment that has been around after decades, capturing the distinction and igniting the imaginations of people around the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so drawing and exciting?

    Relation of striptease:

    The advice «streptease» comes from the French verb «undress», which means «to take rancid» or «undress». This cunning has primordial roots, which can be judged from images and records organize in the history of different cultures. No matter what, striptease, as we identify it today, received texture and appreciation in the at daybreak 20th century in pleasure venues in America and Europe.

    During the Prominent Despair days, striptease became an basic percentage of nightclubs and cabarets, offering spectators not at best entertainment, but also a avenue to run away from run-of-the-mill worries and problems.

    The kernel of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At first glisten, striptease may have all the hallmarks like a naked counterfeit of undressing in head of an audience. Come what may, the faithful craft of striptease lies in the route the dancer uses his or her remains, movements, facial expressions and clothing to father an erotic and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a combination [url=][/url] of trip the light fantastic toe, drama and acting, in which the artist strives not simply to lay bare his hull, but also to sire a question, stir up excite and provocation. He or she can partake of a variety of props, costumes, and lighting to conceive the desired meaning and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and culture:

    Striptease plays an notable part in soda water enlightenment and art. It is start in films, books, music and serene painting. This faculty evokes numerous emotions and reactions in viewers, from pleasure to condemnation.

    In besides, streptease has develop a symbol of release and feminism. Divers dancers view their art as a means of expressing progenitive self-rule and self-expression.


    Striptease is not righteous play or a cave in to make money, it is an art that continues to evolve and attract the concentration of people all in excess of the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but at bottom all, it continues to inspire and confound with its belle and energy. 34t34fr

    8 febrero, 2024 at 2:24 am
  • Streptease is the taste of seduction, which penetrates into the most depths of human nature. It is a figure of performance that has been around representing decades, capturing the attention and igniting the imaginations of people surrounding the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so pleasing and exciting?

    Representation of striptease:

    The advice «streptease» comes from the French verb «undress», which means «to remove off» or «undress». This dexterity has ancient roots, which can be judged from images and records originate in the intelligence of various cultures. No matter what, striptease, as we identify it today, received form and recognition in the original 20th century in play venues in America and Europe.

    During the Prominent Downturn era, striptease became an intrinsic part of nightclubs and cabarets, sacrifice spectators not at best fun, but also a acknowledge proceeding to escape from familiar worries and problems.

    The substantially of the subterfuges of striptease:

    At initial scan, striptease may have all the hallmarks like a classic act of undressing in head of an audience. However, the faithful aptitude of striptease lies in the route the dancer uses his or her remains, movements, facial expressions and clothing to create an ribald and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a confederation [url=][/url] of th‚ dansant, drama and acting, in which the artist strives not on the other hand to lay bare his hull, but also to sire a mystery, rouse cut and provocation. He or she can partake of a collection of props, costumes, and lighting to create the desired intent and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and culture:

    Striptease plays an important job in pop way of life and art. It is start in films, books, music and serene painting. This tastefulness evokes various emotions and reactions in viewers, from admiration to condemnation.

    In putting together, streptease has befit a plural is insignia of releasing and feminism. Divers dancers feeling their craft as a means of expressing progenitive self-rule and self-expression.


    Striptease is not just presentation or a nature to prevail upon spondulicks, it is an taste that continues to evolve and attract the notice of people all ended the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but beyond everything all, it continues to inspire and confound with its knockout and energy. 34t34fr

    8 febrero, 2024 at 5:24 am

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